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Lameness and Poor Performance

Town and Country Vet carry out a large number of lameness or poor performance examination workups, whether they be directly from clients or as referral from other vets or physios / farriers.

Town and Country Vet Equine offer facilities with a trot up plus a dedicated equine unit where we can do our nerve and joint blocks, digital xrays and ultrasounds.

Shockwave therapy

Our Equine Veterinarian Warren Mitchell operates this piece of equipment and has been using shockwave therapy extensively for the last 10 years in Matamata and the UK.
SWT has been used in human medicine for at least 20 years and with huge positive results SWT has been adapted for use in treating a variety of orthopedic and soft tissue conditions in horses. These include tendon and ligament injuries, bone spavin, ring bone, navicular syndrome, back pain, stimulation of bone remodeling, stress fractures and splints.

Sound wave pulses with a high pressure at a specific place on the affected area of the horse. this increases blood supply to the treated area and effects the inflammatory processes to help remodel and rebuild bone and soft tissues, decrease pain and increase the immune response in order to promote healing.
Shockwave therapy not only promotes and speeds up the healing process, but ultimately causes various soft tissue injuries to heal more thoroughly with less fibrous tissue accumulation. The treatment can also be used for chronic injuries.