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Pre-purchase examinations are designed to provide information on the health and soundness of a horse that you are looking to buy. They should only be performed by a registered veterinarian, and are best done by an experienced equine clinician who is not the routine veterinarian for that horse.

The veterinarian works on behalf of the buyer and therefore reports to the purchaser on any findings or abnormalities detected. It involves checking the horse’s identification, eyes, teeth, heart, lungs, skin and is very useful for detecting any obvious problems with joints, tendons and feet which are common causes of lameness. After a general clinical examination is performed the veterinarian will perform a lameness examination by watching the horse walk, trot and canter, and by performing flexion tests.

A full 5 Stage Pre-purchase Examination the horse will also be observed while ridden under saddle and re-examined after exercise.

While a pre-purchase examination is not a definite guarantee against problems in the future, it does help to prevent the risk of buying a horse with health or lameness issues that are present at the time of purchase, and should therefore be seen as an investment. It should be noted that pre-purchase examinations do not determine rider suitability and this is the responsibility of you the buyer to determine by riding the horse and getting advice from experienced people from within your riding discipline.

Stage 1-2

This is a stage 2 standard pre-purchase exam as per NZ VA equine branch.
It includes a full general health exam including stethoscope exam of heart/lungs/abdomen, limb exam, flexion tests, lunge work and teeth exam.
Includes exam at rest, and exam at walk, trot with flexion tests

Stage 1-5

This is a stage 5 standard pre-purchase exam as per NZ VA equine branch.
This includes a full general health exam including stethoscope exam of heart/lungs/abdomen, limb exam, flexion tests, lunge work and teeth exam.

  1. Exam at rest,
  2. Exam @ walk, trot with flexion tests
  3. Exercise phase
  4. Recovery phase
  5. Final walk trot with flexion tests

All xrays, reproduction scans and blood tests can be added on top of either State 1-2 or 1-5, at an additional cost.